What is Applied Psycho Neurology?
APN is a deep therapeutic technique for treating the origin of disease. Taught in the US by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D., APN is the result of the work of many physiologists, researchers, psychotherapists, psychologists, medical doctors, and patients. Combining these disciplines provides a more balanced level of healing than standard approaches. Reaching this level of healing may take longer or it may be instant. The results are subtle, deep, and permanent. Many find this process to be life-transforming.
Essentially, the theory and research suggest that all life events are recorded by the subconscious. Memories of these events can be complete and resolved or unresolved. Unresolved psycho-emotional conflicts are the most common cause of illness, chronic pain, and accidents. Unresolved conflicts create significant bioelectrical disturbances in conflict-specific areas of the brain, producing abnormal neuropeptides and abnormal electrical currents which reach the hypothalamus, sending out stress signals which create dysfunctions in related organs.
APN is designed to identify the unresolved psycho-emotional conflict and uncouple the unresolved conflict from the nervous system, thereby diffusing the source of chronic illness. The session takes place with the patient briefly describing the presenting problem, then with the use of muscle kinesiology, the subtle mind communicates the stored memory of the unresolved conflict. The therapist ascertains that the patient is balanced in order to get the correct information before proceeding. Since the patient remains fully awake throughout, there is no danger that a person would be or do something that would not be for the highest good of that patient. Together the patient and therapist learn of the earliest time, eye movement, color, and relationship associated with the conflict at the time it entered the patient's system. Watching a pendulum swing 33 times in the indicated eye direction, wearing colored glasses, and mentally replaying the mini-drama representing the event at the time of the earliest memory enables the unresolved conflict to be uncoupled, unhooking the patient from illness generated by the stored memory. There may be more than one memory visited in a session.
At the same time, limiting beliefs uncovered by a dialogue with the subconscious, such as "I am unlovable" are addressed. Journaling and reversing limiting beliefs in the intervening weeks between sessions enhance the power of the work done in the session by developing new insights and assisting the physical body as it begins to heal.