Thank you to all my teachers guiding me home

into the wisdom of my own heart.

1996-1999 Cornish College of the Arts, BA in dance and movement therapy - Anatomy, Kinesiology, Laban Movement Analysis, Feldenkrais, Physical Therapy, Contact Improvisation with Wade Madsen, Deborah Wolf, Pat Hon, Kitty Daniels, Karen Scherwood, Judy Parson

2000 SOMA Institute for Neuro-Muscular Integration - Massage, Anatomy, Kinesiology, Psychology, Bartenieff Fundamentals, Developmental Movement, Neuromuscular Reeducation, Authentic Movement
with Marcia Nolte, Karen Bolesky, Stephen Johnson

2000-2001 Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis Therapy with Magali Messac

2005-2006 Biosomatics with Carol Welch

2006 Bartenieff Fundamentals Developmental Movement with Janice Meaden

2007 Somato-Emotional Therapy with Susan Harper

2008 Body–Mind Centering with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

2010-2011 Five Rhythms Movement Meditation with Gabrielle Roth, Andrea Juhan

2010-2011 Body of Perception Training with Susan Harper

2014-2020 Yuan Gong Qigong with Yuan Tze

2014-2022 Visionary Cranio-Sacral Therapy with Hugh Milne

2018 Visceral Manipulation with Hugh Milne


2000 - present Private practice in Therapeutic Massage, SOMA Structural Integration, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Healing

2000-2002 Kinese- Gyrotonic® movement trainer Seattle, WA

2002- 2007 Develomental Movement Studies, Slovenia, Europe

2004-2007  SOMA Structural Integration, Anatomy/Kinesiology, SOMA Institute, Buckley, WA

2004- 2007  Somassage Certification for LMPs, SOMA Institute, Buckley, WA

2008-2012  massage, SOMA Structural Integration, Yoga of Sausalito, CA