These monthly self-healing evenings allow us to harness the healing power of a New and Full Moon. They invite us to honor the sacredness of our body and our feminine spirit while clarifying our heart intentions.
In these evenings we will reconnect to our source energy and enter a deeper conversation of our hearts that is vital and alive, and that opens us into a deeper connection with our spiritual powers as women. We will let go of what is not serving us anymore to discover truer ways of nourishing ourselves. By transforming our challenges into our medicine we will center into our power and our heart wisdom.
This is an invitation for every woman awaken the healing power of her heart and fully take HER place.
Through body-mind practices of healing movement, dance and meditation we will…
…ignite our “shakti” – our feminine healing life-force
…nourish our essence and reconnect to the source
…transform difficult feelings into creative energy
…learn how to clear our energy field
…retrieve our life-force to heal our bodies
…respond to the call of our heart and its longing
…take our place and thrive without reservation
Contribution: sliding scale $15-$25
When: every Full and New Moon Wednesday