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Getting to know us more...

Come and join us to learn more about our healing work, our healing center and how we can serve you best.

During this evening we will offer you the following:

  • A comprehensive healing vision: Why we do what we do and how it can heal and transform your life
  • A demonstration of our main healing modalities: Nutritional Kinesiology, Soma Structural Integration, Unwinding your Core (Abdominal Applied Qigong), Yuan Gong Qigong, Somatic Unwinding
  • A complementary Zyto health evaluation
  • Personal time to answer your specific questions and address your personal needs

Share a joyful time with others and enjoy our nourishing teas and deserts! Please bring your friends and family and rsvp us.

Tuesday June 28th, 6:30am-8pm, San Anselmo, CA