Tian Yuan is the beginning and also an important foundational method of Yuan Gong. It is an open style method, which works by sending the internal Qi out and drawing external Qi back. This is accomplished by using the consciousness as the main technique and the movement as the auxiliary.
1. This method facilitates comprehensive exchange of Qi and information between human and the universe. A large amount of Qi can be gathered effectively and efficiently.
2. The coordinated use of the mind and the physical movements can benefit both the mind and the body and promote the unification of Jing (the body), Qi and Shen on a deep level.
3. This method can open the Qi gates in the body effectively, for example, in the shoulder and neck area. Most adults have blockages there because of stress. That area carries a lot of tension, which may not only affect physical health but also have a negative impact on mental well-being.
4. Although Tian Yuan is the introductory practice of the system, it is designed to create profound effects on Qi by:
· Improving the Qi condition of the whole body
· Improving Sanjiao and organs directly and indirectly
· Opening channels and promoting the flow of channel Qi in the whole body
· Beginning to improve the clarity and sensitivity of Shen which helps lay the foundation for the future development of special abilities
5. The length of the practice can vary according to different needs or intended effects. The practice of this method can also be varied to create effects of different depths.
Di Yuan is a ‘Three Forms in One’ standing form practice. It is designed to strengthen the three Dantians, and is an important foundational method. It can be practiced in combination with Tian Yuan to make a balanced practice and can also be practised individually.
1. The required standing posture, with the specific use of the consciousness, can strengthen the physical body and make improvement on the muscular-skeletal level.
2. Di Yuan is to activate and gather Qi effectively in all three Dantians. They are worked on together in an orderly manner in order to strengthen them and activate transformation in them. It is so designed because the three Dantians are main Qi gathering areas for the Qi of the physical body (Lower Dantian), organ Qi (Middle Dantian) and Shen and the consciousness (Upper Dantian). They can be seen as Qi storehouses or distribution centers. This design reflects the Ren Xue principle of ‘respecting and observing the nature of totality and the laws of life’.
3. It uses Dantian Breathing creatively to make the practice safer, more efficient, effective and manageable. Using Dantian breathing properly in standing form practice can help improve one’s focus. It is also helpful for keeping Shen and Qi inside the body, and for unifying Jing, Qi and Shen. This way Qi gathered from the universe can be further processed and transformed so the Qi in the Dantians will be imprinted with the practitioner’s own qualities and become more nourishing.
4. Di Yuan can help open the shoulders, neck, lower back and hips.
5. Like Tian Yuan, it can also be varied according to the conditions and needs of the practitioner to achieve effects of different depths.
Di Yuan can be practiced on its own or in combination with the Tian Yuan. It is also a method that prepares for the subsequent methods in the system. The practice of Di Yuan can help make other methods more effective. Sustained practice of this method can also help one raise the level of Qigong practice.
Ren Yuan is the third method of the Yuan Gong system. It is designed to work on Qi at a deeper level than the first two methods of this stage. Xing (the body and the movement), Qi and Shen are important in this method. The method requires the integration of the consciousness and Qi, the body movement being activated by Qi and the unification of Shen and Xing.
This method is mainly to work on the physical level, including the skin, muscles, tendons and sinews, blood vessels, bones and all of the organs by opening the channels in the body and promoting the flow of Qi in these channels. This method effects deep change of Qi directly in these physical parts and structures and so is very beneficial for the prevention of illness and improvement of overall health.
1) The design of this method draws mainly on traditional and modern Qigong, along with a wide range of disciplines, including traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts and exercise and sports science. As with all Yuan Gong methods, the laws of life (especially the laws of the consciousness and of Qi) are the foundation for Ren Yuan. Although it draws upon various sources, much innovation is brought into the creation of Ren Yuan, making it an unprecedented method.
2) Ren Yuan is in principle a Xing-Shen unification method. Traditionally there are various ways in which Xing-Shen unification practice can be done. They can also be seen as different levels of practice. Where they differ is mainly in the so-called ‘xin fa’ (mind method). Ren Yuan has selected a traditional ‘xin fa’, which has long been kept secret and almost completely lost. It is adapted into this special ‘mind method’ that goes: ‘Shen being extremely calm, consciousness coming alive, Qi moving itself, body following Qi movement, all unified and becoming one’. In Chinese, it is summed up in 15 words: ‘神静极.意灵动.气自动.形随动.合为一’.
3) Through the practice of Ren Yuan, the channels in the body can be opened so the Qi and blood can flow smoothly and reach every part of of the physical body, including the skin, muscles, tendons and sinews, organs, bones and marrow, even the cells at the level of the nuclei and genes.
4) Ren Yuan is designed to work on every part of the body (all the joints, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves and organs). The important parts are especially emphasized during practice. The channels of all levels (main channels and branch channels) have the opportunity to be unblocked and Qi of the whole body gets a thorough workout.
5) Ren Yuan is also a good method for the practitioner to improve her ability to work with Qi, including experiencing Qi, activating Qi, moving Qi and making positive change to Qi. The practitioner can therefore effect change of Qi on the level that is not easy to reach – the channels. This ability can also be very helpful for conducting external Qi therapy.
6) This method involves stretching every part of the body on a deep level and so is effective for improving the physical body, including the physique, the flexibility (suppleness) of the body and its ability to balance.
7) This method is also very effective for cultivating the calm, relaxed and natural state. Practising this method, the practitioner can get into this state within a very short time and experience the interesting changes of Xing, Qi and Shen and the wonderful feeling brought about by their unification. This method is also very useful for developing the ability to maintain balance on the emotional and mental levels.
The Xia Yuan method works on the pure original Qi of the five Yin organs, and in turn will also have effects on the six Yang organs which are closely connected with them. This method can strengthen organ Qi and connect and regulate the pure original Qi of the organs in the body.
The design of this method draws on a wide range of teachings and methods in wisdom culture, from traditional to modern with the creator’s personal application and profound understanding. Sounds, mind activity, visualization and hand forms are used to improve the pure original Qi of the organs. The purpose of this method is to strengthen the functions of the organs, prevent organ illness and continually improve their health.
In the Yuan Gong system, there are three stages with three methods in each stage. The Fourth Method is a basic method in the Second Stage – Internal Transformation Stage. [Note: The First Stage is the External Transformation Stage which is mainly for the improvement and strengthening of the physical body, including skin, muscles, tendons, sinews, bones, and the physical aspect of the organs.] This method is the bridge between the first three methods and the Fifth Method. It helps advance one’s Qigong level built by the practice of the first three methods and further deepen their effects. The practice of the Fourth Method also builds the foundation for subsequent methods.
Xia Yuan can activate and move the pure original Qi of the organs quickly and strongly so it can have obvious effects on improving organ Qi. It is a simple method that is relatively easy to learn and practise. It is designed to be efficient so the practice is relatively short. The practice of Xia Yuan also gives rise to strong Qi sensations.